Mahone: Previously we’ve had Hibiki appear in a video, and since today as well I’ll be having a guest over, I hope you’ll all enjoy it. Well then, I think I’ll quickly call over our guest! Here he is!...Aaaand here he is!... Wait? Wait a second... Ok hold on just a moment. This is a bit weird. (In a beckoning voice) Oh, guest?
(Camera cuts to the backstage area)
Mahone: Guest~? Huh? Hold up, what in the, eh?
(JaY is fondling the wall.)
Mahone: JaY? (Repeatedly calls his name) JaY, the video is starting.
JaY: I’m f**king the wall.
Mahone (loses it and laughs): JaY, JaY, what are you doing?
JaY: F**king the wall... I’m f**king the wall.
Mahone: F**king not f**k the wall. That’s disturbing. Let’s... let’s start the video, ok?
(The video cuts back)
Mahone: It’s JaY, from Matenrou Opera!
JaY: Nice to meet you.
Mahone: Very much.
JaY: It’s my first time on your channel.
Mahone: Can you do a light self-introduction?
JaY: Ah, but of course. **** ***** ******* *******
Mahone *dies*
JaY: My name is JoY. Ah wait no, my name was JaY.
Mahone: Literally everything is wrong.
Mahone: Ok moving on, in Matenrou Opera you play the guitar, right?
JaY: Mayhaps...
Mahone: It’s possible.
Mahone: So I heard this from Hibiki, but you have a release coming up, right? On the 22nd of April (Translator’s note: although this video was uploaded after the release, it was undoubtedly filmed before that time, and perhaps intended to be uploaded earlier on.) there is a new...
JaY: New? EP
Mahone: New EP
JaY: What even is an EP?
Mahone: Are you for real?
JaY: I don’t know what it means.
Mahone: You don’t kn- (breaks into laughter).
JaY: Erotic Paradise?
Mahone (dying, one more time): You’re close. (Recovering himself) Matenrou Opera have erotic songs as well, right?
JaY: It contains 5 songs, right.
Mahone: An EP contains 5 songs. It’s a bit like a mini-album.
JaY: An Erotic Paradise containing 5 songs.
Mahone (I’m fearing for his life at this point): Chronos is the title.
JaY: Chronos, can you read it? C, H...
Mahone: Yes, C H.
JaY: C H..
Them both: O N O S.
JaY: Choro.. Choronosu (pronouncing the ch sound like the ch in channel)?
Mahone: It sound like churros, doesn’t it?
Mahone: Among my viewers are a lot of people who aim to sing. I’d like to ask you something. You’ve been active in the metal scene for a while now. Are there a lot of experts?
JaY: There are a lot of fakes. A lot of fakes. I’m not joking. I’m one of those people.
Mahone: I see, I see.
JaY: Fakes present themselves as pros.
Mahone: For sure. This is the kind of thing I’d like to ask you about. When you think of a fake, you don’t think of me as one, right?
JaY: I don’t.
Mahone: I don’t sound like one, right, so what kind of a person is a fake like? In terms of vocals.
JaY: That’s a deep question.
Mahone: From the perspective of JaY, a pro guitarist who has been active in the metal scene, what do you need to do to be a cool vocalist. As in how to carry oneself.
JaY: From my perspective as a guitarist, when it comes to vocalists, I don’t care if you suck horribly at your job, as long as you’re cool. Because maybe that’s all part of your foundation.
Mahone: Yes, that’s true. Well then, do you have some kind of index of what someone’d need in order to be an acceptable vocalist?
JaY: Yes.
Mahone: So what kind of requirements are those?
JaY: You mean aside from physical traits, right?
Mahone: Yes
JaY: Because you can’t see those traits, they’re the most difficult traits. When you talk about things you can see, I mean, you know... (error 404) it’s mannerisms?
Mahone: Mannerism?
JaY: Mannerism make the individual vocalist.
Mahone: Ah I see what you mean.
JaY: It’s the most important thing. If a vocalist doesn’t have specific mannerisms...
Mahone: (Interrupts him but I couldn’t catch what he was saying.)
JaY: It’s makes it easy to be able to understand “oh it’s this person!”, really, or maybe more like it makes it easy to tell vocalists apart. It’s having individuality, and how you utilize that individuality. But there are also sometimes people who have too many mannerisms, and of those people you’d say their individuality is strong (STRONK!). From my perspective as a guitarist, when it comes to vocalists I think the most difficult thing to have as vocalist is those good mannerisms.
Mahone: You mean applying those mannerisms, right?
JaY: Yes.
Mahone: Using your mannerisms in a good way.
JaY: Yes, but ultimately this applies to all instruments, right? But I think ‘Mannerism’ are really vital.
Mahone: I see.
JaY: Especially vocalists.
Mahone: It’s very JaY-like to say ‘just be cool’, and within that realm your message would be “use your mannerisms!”.
(Their next words just sounded like pure noise to me again. Remember kids, enunciation is key to communication.)
Mahone: So you think this is what we should all be working on with ourselves, right?
JaY: The?
Mahone: Mannerisms.
JaY: Your own?
Mahone: Yes.
JaY: When it comes to utilizing your individuality, you’ve had it since the moment you were born, so.
(JaY gets distracted by something happening outside)
JaY: There was a person just now running past us, are they ok?
Mahone: Bro, they weren’t running.
JaY: Yes they were.
Mahone (loses it).
JaY: It was a kid, a small kid, running...
Mahone: Oh really. I think you’re just f**king with me.
Mahone: JaY has often talked to me about how “a sense of thrill” is very important.
JaY: It says so on the sheet music too after all.
Mahone: That’s right.
JaY: It says so on the sheet music but it’s more of a feeling that isn’t on the actual sheet music (you can’t write down notes for something like that)... for instance, the easiest situation I can come up with... In Chronos, in the guitar solo for Chronos, it’s written down on the sheet music, but... how do I put this? In my mind’s image, it’s like this (moves his hands up and down in a wave like motion, as in, the music has its ups and its downs).
Mahone: Got it.
JaY: So this kind of image, you don’t have this in sheet music. But this kind of thing (moves like he is shocked, I’m assuming this is the ‘thrill’ he mentioned), on sheet music, you can express that.
Mahone: You can.
JaY: If you don’t hear it, you can’t understand.
Mahone: I know what you mean.
JaY: “I’m busy today” is the kind of feeling I put in this guitar solo.
Mahone: I feel that.
JaY: “I am exhausted, I am done.”
Mahone: Totally!
JaY: Like the dude who was running, “uwaaa, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh”, that guy.
Mahone: (loses it again.) I have no idea.
JaY: Are you mad? What do you mean you don’t understand?
Translator's note: JaY commented on the video. It's disappointing as always:
"Let's fuck at the poolside next time."